August 2022
The Walsh Group begins Mercer Island Pump Station and Conveyance Upgrades
Mercer Island, WA - The Walsh Group has started construction on two simultaneous projects for King County (WA) - upgrades to the North Mercer Island/Enatai Pump Station as well as sewer conveyance upgrades.
The Walsh Group will enhance the pump station to be compatible with the new conveyance pipeline, while replacing aging equipment, and allowing the system to handle expected flow increases over the next several decades. This upgrade will increase the amount of sewage the station can process from 9 MGD to 10.5 MGD.
The Walsh Group will also replace and rehabilitate sewer pipes conveying wastewater from Mercer Island to Bellevue, including gravity and inverted siphon sewer pipes, sewer force main piping, slip-lining, cured-in-place piping, maintenance hole rehab, sewage diversion/ flow-splitting, and odor control facilities.