The Hilltop Tacoma Link Extension project constructs 2.4 miles of two-way light rail train tracks in road lanes shared with cars, buses, on-street parking, and existing bicycle facilities through 18 blocks of a dense and historic neighborhood. The project also includes six new stations, one relocated station, four traction power substation sites, expansion of the existing Operations and Maintenance Facility near the Tacoma Dome Station. Walsh is coordinating and managing more than 50 subcontractors in addition to self-performing scopes of work and is currently exceeding the owner’s goals by achieving 40 percent S/DBE participation. Every aspect of the project is in direct contact with the public. Walsh prioritizes site-specific safety and security plans and performs weekly safety stand downs, talks, and walks. Pedestrian flow is also important. Walsh assists in minimizing bus route detours and communicating bus stop relocations, and places temporary plates and crosswalks over the rail work to keep pedestrians moving.