November 2021
Archer Western and United Infrastructure Group begin construction on Carolina Crossroads
COLUMBIA, SC - The South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) held a groundbreaking event to kickoff the $1.7 billion Carolina Crossroads project, the largest interstate improvement project in state history.
The five-phase project will improve “Malfunction Junction,” the interchange at I-20, I-26 and I-126 on the northwest side of Columbia. Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the construction project will be performed by Archer-United, JV, the joint venture of Archer Western Construction, LLC and United Infrastructure Group, Inc. along with the lead design firm, Infrastructure Consulting & Engineering (ICE).
Phase 1 of the project consists of the re-design and construction of a new interchange for Colonial Life Boulevard at I-126, as well as improvements on I-26 and I-126. The Team worked in developing several innovative and unique approaches in addressing the purpose and goal of the project, and ended up with a semi-directional interchange concept that is safer and operationally more efficient.
Phase 2 will update the Broad River Road interchange at I-20 in order to create better traffic flow to the interstate as well as lengthen I-20 westbound's access to I-26 westbound in order to minimize congestion from vehicles changing interstates.
The Archer-United Team will also use an “off-alignment” construction scheme to eliminate the closure of the existing ramps and minimize the number of traffic stages. With this area already being a highly congested region, maintenance of traffic during construction was also a focusing point of the Archer-United, JV’s approach.